The Egret 189 is the industry leader in flats boat design, construction techniques and materials. Built using carbon fiber and Kevlar® fabrics, foam cored and vacuum bagged using vinylester resin, the Egret is known as the “Rolls Royce of flats boats”. There is no peer in its class, only cheaper boats.
An original design, the Egret 189 was first constructed in wood and developed over a year of in-water testing. The 189 outperforms many 25′ center consoles in rough water and conversely poles shallower than most 16′ skiffs.
The Egret 189 is as much as 350 lbs. lighter and stronger than similar size skiffs and the hull, deck and interior liner of the Egret optimize the properties of various foam core materials. Each core application is engineered to perform a specific function. A dense centerline core prevents the boat from point loading on the trailer rollers. A more resilient core material is used in the hull outboard of the centerline. This core, combined with vinylester resins inherent flexibility, creates an extremely resilient structure while reducing hull noise to an absolute minimum. The deck laminate utilizes another light, but stiff foam core to further assist in the reduction of weight demanded by the Egret design team. And finally, a very dense core is utilized in the transom where the motor mounts create high compression loads.
Watch the video walkthrough here of the Egret 189 presented by Capt. Tommy Derringer, professional angler and owner of Inshore Adventures out of St. Augustine FL.

An original design, the Egret 189 was first constructed in wood and developed over a year of in-water testing. The 189 outperforms many 25′ center consoles in rough water and conversely poles shallower than most 16′ skiffs.

Watch the video walkthrough here of the Egret 189 presented by Capt. Tommy Derringer, professional angler and owner of Inshore Adventures out of St. Augustine FL.